Citizens Park announcement rescheduled to this Saturday at 11am
This announcement has been rescheduled to Saturday 17th November at 11.00am at Citizens Park.
Hope to see everyone there in your RJFC gear!
Mr Richard Wynne (the Victorian Planning Minister) will be at Citizens Park this Saturday 10th November at 11.30am for a significant announcement.
We can’t wait to hear what it is!
We would appreciate if we can get as many RJFC family members to attend as possible – these opportunities do not come along very often, and we can show that we have such large and growing Football and Cricket clubs and well engaged communities.
Please make the effort to come along on Saturday morning – a sausage sizzle will be on for all the kids, and it’s a good chance for a get together and bit of banter again. Wear as much RJFC gear as you can!!
Thanks for your time in advance and hopefully see you Saturday morning.