
Great news… Auskick 2019 is not far away

Hi Richmond Auskick families,

We thought it was timely to give all last season’s families a heads up on some key football logistics:

  • How to register for Auskick in 2019.
  • The pathway for those eligible to transition to junior football in 2019

Registering for Auskick in 2019

  • Our sessions will again run on a Saturday morning from 9am.
  • We kick off with our first session on Saturday 27 April and will run until the Saturday 3 August.
  • Navigating the Auskick website
    Go to www.aflauskick.com.au
    Click on “register
    Enter your postcode….we should pop up first as “Richmond Auskick centre (Vic)
  • We’ll again have assistance from RJFC coaches and players however we really encourage everyone to get involved in the stations each week.
  • This year we will be seeking to involve as many parents as possible and will be making training available to interested coaches.   If you are interested please drop us an email.

Some new faces

This season we’re pleased to announce Nick Somes and Peter Tuckwell will be running our Auskick season.  Both have experience at junior coaching and participating as parents at Auskick, so we’re looking forward to a ripper debut season.

Transitioning to football at Richmond Junior Football Club

This portion of the update relates to those boys and girls who will turn 7 years of age by 30 April  2019. Those families will already have received an invite from RJFC to take the next step in their football journey.

  • Often at this time of year a common question comes up…”I’m not sure my child is ready for football. Can they do another year of Auskick even if they are old enough to play competitive football?”
    The answer is of course “yes”….and they are also most welcome to continue at Auskick.
  • Infact, as we speak we are working with U8 and U9 coaches with a view to running sessions for these older kids as part of Auskick to further support RJFC footballers….more on this exciting initiative in later updates.

Alright, enough for this note. If any of the above creates confusion, please just let us know by sending any questions to our reply email ( richmondauskick@gmail.com ) and we’ll work through it.

Here’s to a terrific year at both Auskick and RJFC.


Craig, Nick and Pete 

e: auskickrichmond@gmail.com
p : Nick 0407 871 046
p : Peter 0403 049 262