
Keen to play footy in 2021?

Teams are filling quickly, but we still have vacancies in a number of age levels for the 2021 season.

In particular, we’ve got room for new & returning players in the following age groups:

Girls’ teams:

  • Under 9,
  • Under 10,
  • Under 11, and
  • Under 12 Girls

Mixed / Boys’ teams:

  • Under 8,
  • Under 9,
  • Under 10, and
  • Under 11 Mixed

(for boys or girls born from 2009, up to 30 Apr 2014)


So if you or any of your friends love our great game of football and want to give it a try, then come down and have a go!

Visit our Registration page for more information across all our age groups, or contact our Secretary, Troy Chandler, for more information.

…and for younger players, our Auskick program for 2021 is also not too far away.