
Message from the RJFC President – season paused again

To all Parents and Players,

Please be advised that the YJFL in accordance with Government restrictions has once again put the season on hold whilst we go into our six week lockdown period. This means there will be no games this weekend and after today, no more club training sessions until further notice.

After the weekend’s intra club matches and all the excitement they generated for both the players and the parents it is sad that the season will not start this weekend, however we must put the health and wellbeing of our community first.

I would like to thank the RJFC Committee for the amount of work they completed over the last three weeks to get training up and running and to be ready for the start of the season.

Please remember to keep both yourself and your family in a safe, happy and positive environment over the coming weeks and let’s keep our fingers crossed that we can get a short 6-8 week season starting in September.


Andrew O’Halloran
RJFC President
